Tag: Brooklyn Museum

The text discusses the perception of antisemitism in recent events, highlighting a discrepancy in recognizing it.
Within Our Lifetime is a hardline pro-Palestinian activist group known for organizing protests against Israel in New York City.
The article discusses how initial reports of vandalism against Brooklyn Museum leaders, stating that all victims were Jewish, led to widespread condemnation and claims of antisemitism.
The article discusses how antisemitism is being masked under the guise of anti-Zionism, with Jewish individuals facing threats and harassment.
Vandals targeted the home of a Jewish museum director in Brooklyn, painting a red inverted triangle on her property, a symbol historically used by Hamas to mark Israeli targets.
Anti-Israel activists vandalized the home of Brooklyn Museum's Jewish director and other leaders, splashing red paint and accusations like "blood on your hands" and "white-supremacist Zionist."
Progressives in New York, from politicians like AOC to cultural figures like the director of the Brooklyn Museum, are beginning to acknowledge the presence of antisemitism within progressive circles.
Vandals targeted the homes of five Jewish board members of the Brooklyn Museum, including director Anne Pasternak, with anti-Zionist graffiti and symbols, leading New York officials to denounce the act as overt antisemitism.
Jewish leaders have condemned the vandalism of the iconic OY/YO sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum by protesters who defaced it with pro-Palestinian graffiti during a demonstration.
Protesters at the Brooklyn Museum affixed a Palestinian flag to Deborah Kass' iconic OY/YO sculpture during a rally, along with draping pro-Palestinian signs over the museum's facade.
The text discusses the evolution of the traditional latke, a staple of Jewish cuisine especially during Hanukkah.