Tag: Chesed

Dr. Jay Robinow from Kansas City has been volunteering for fifteen years to build sukkot for members of the city's Jewish community, as well as for Jews across the state border in Kansas.
The article discusses the importance of engaging in acts of chesed (kindness) as a central component of Jewish life.
In this column on Everyday Kindness, two stories are highlighted that reflect acts of compassion and selflessness.
The "Everyday Kindness" column highlights acts of kindness that happen daily, with the hope of inspiring more acts of love and kindness in the community.
In this collection of letters from the Winter 2020 edition of Jewish Action, a range of topics are discussed.
Rabbi Shai Held's two-volume collection "The Heart of Torah, Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion" delves into the importance of the Torah reading cycle and the moral lessons found within the text.
The essay discusses the evolution of kidney donation in Jewish law, highlighting the historical context and halachic considerations surrounding living kidney donation.