Tag: Chesed

The text discusses the concept of supporting a husband's spiritual growth in a marriage, drawing on the wisdom of the Eishes Chayil from Proverbs and insights from various Jewish scholars.
Yirmi Beron of TCS Israel is known for his dedication to providing life-saving gear for soldiers and addressing their families' basic needs.
On Lag B'Omer, amidst the tragedy in Meron, a woman grapples with buying a shirt for her son despite the chaos.
Michael Lewis, assistant head of Jewish education at Immanuel College, has been nominated for the TES annual awards for educators as subject lead of the year for secondary schools.
Tom Weiss, a beloved figure on New York's Upper West Side, passed away at 61 due to a pulmonary embolism.
Hershel Gottdiener, a discreet philanthropist from Monsey, is known for his behind-the-scenes acts of kindness such as helping incarcerated individuals, fundraising for struggling Jews globally, and aiding impoverished families.
Hershel Gottdiener, a discreet benefactor from Monsey, is known for quietly performing acts of chesed such as aiding impoverished families, bailing out Jews from third-world prisons, and helping individuals in need.
The text reflects on the power and importance of prayer (tefillah) in the face of challenging times, particularly in light of recent tragic events in Eretz Yisrael.
In times of crisis, it is crucial to strengthen emunah and bitachon.
Rabbi Doron Perez, head of the Mizrachi World Movement, faced immense challenges as his son Daniel went missing after a military operation, while his other son Yonatan was injured but went ahead with his wedding amid the family's pain and uncertainty.
Synagogues are being encouraged to observe Refugee Shabbat to reflect on Jewish history of migration and empathy towards refugees.
The author addresses the issue of religion being used as a justification for violence, specifically in relation to the events perpetrated by Hamas.
During Israel's 2023 war, an unprecedented display of chesed, ahavat Yisrael, and achdut was seen globally, with Jews from diverse backgrounds coming together to support one another.
In this diary, the author recounts her experience of mobilizing chesed (acts of kindness) during a time of war in Israel.
In this diary entry, the author describes their experience of mobilizing chesed (kindness) in response to the war between Israel and Hamas.
This article shares the story of Bentzi Goldman, who owns a delivery company and decided to use his company to help Israeli soldiers during the war.
During the recent war in Israel, Rabbi Noam and Shifra Friedman, educators at Reichman University, mobilized their community to support soldiers who were being called up.
This article discusses the question of whether Jewish law obligates Israelis to continue with weddings despite the ongoing war and terror.
In this piece, the author reflects on the approach of the new year and the passing of time.
The author shares a personal story of experiencing the power of chesed (acts of kindness) during a difficult time when her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Sara and Avi Schwartz share the story of their daughter Yakira Leeba Schwartz, who passed away.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Sara and Avi Schwartz discuss the life and loss of their daughter, Yakira Leeba Schwartz, who had muscular dystrophy.
This text emphasizes the unique challenges faced by widows and widowers in the Jewish community.
"Kan Tzipor: Inspiring Stories on Seizing Magic Moments of Opportunity to Do Chesed" by Stephen J. Savitsky is a collection of chesed stories centered around the concept of kan tzipor, the mitzvah of sending away a mother bird from her nest before taking her eggs.
This column highlights acts of kindness that happen every day, focusing on two specific stories.