Tag: Content Moderation

Meta's Oversight Board is reconsidering whether the phrase "from the river to the sea" qualifies as hate speech on the platform, sparking a debate due to its association with the pro-Palestinian movement and concerns from Jewish groups who perceive it as a threat to Israel's existence.
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is seeking guidance on how to handle posts labeling all Israelis as criminals, especially in the context of alleged war crimes by the Israeli government.
Meta’s Oversight Board is deliberating on whether the phrase "From the river to the sea" used by pro-Palestinian activists should be allowed on Facebook and Instagram.
American Jews are urged to support the forced sale of TikTok due to the platform's rampant hate speech, lack of transparency, and ties to China's meddling in U.S. affairs, including promoting anti-Jewish sentiments.
An article explores the issue of antisemitism on TikTok, noting that while the app's algorithm customizes content to each user, it can also expose users to radical ideologies and hateful content.
A recent case reviewed by an independent oversight panel revealed that Meta, the parent company of Instagram, failed to detect and remove a post using a SpongeBob SquarePants meme to promote Holocaust denial.
Urban Dictionary, the user-run internet lexicon, has become a battleground for contests over the online narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A group of over 200 writers on the newsletter platform Substack published a letter expressing concern about the platform hosting and supporting neo-Nazi figures.
The oversight board at Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has ruled that automated content moderation tools went too far in removing posts related to the Israel-Hamas war.
A group of prominent figures, including Debra Messing, Amy Schumer, and Isaac Mizrahi, have addressed a letter to TikTok expressing concerns about the safety of Jewish users on the platform.
The Oversight Board of Meta, the company that owns Facebook and Instagram, has urged the improvement of distinguishing between hate speech and criticism of hate speech in content moderation.
The Oversight Board of Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, has criticized the company for failing to distinguish between hate speech and criticism of hate speech.
The article discusses the role of big tech platforms in facilitating and amplifying antisemitism.
The introduction of Twitter Blue, a paid verification program on the platform, has raised concerns about the potential increase in antisemitism and hate speech.
Under Elon Musk's leadership, Twitter has reinstated numerous accounts that were previously banned for violating Twitter's rules, including accounts of white supremacists and far-right figures promoting hate speech and disinformation.
A recent breakthrough in sustainable fusion-generated power raises questions about how it will be received, with potential concerns about a backlash.