Tag: Cost Of Living

Secular Israelis are increasingly considering leaving the country due to various factors such as security concerns, political disillusionment, and the high cost of living.
The author reflects on their positive experience after making aliyah to Israel with their wife.
The author discusses their experience of being priced out of Jerusalem and finding a new home in Haifa.
Tel Aviv has dropped from the top spot to third place in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world, with cost of living remaining high despite this change.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Eli Langer and Zevy Wolman, hosts of the Kosher Money podcast, discuss the issue of the high cost of living in Orthodox Jewish communities and how financial literacy can help.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, hosts Eli Langer and Zevy Wolman discuss financial literacy in the Orthodox Jewish community.
In Tel Aviv, the high cost of living is a well-known issue, with the city being named the most expensive globally.
Jane Eisner, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, expresses concern over the declining birthrates among young liberal Jews in America, a trend mirrored in society at large due to factors like delayed marriage, secularization, and economic challenges.