Tag: Covid 19

As synagogues plan for in-person Rosh Hashanah services, some members continue to prefer attending virtually due to fear of catching COVID-19.
Hillel professionals at the University of Southern California recognized the need to prioritize mental health on campus, as students began requesting support.
The essay explores the rise and fall of pushcarts in America, particularly in immigrant neighborhoods in the early 20th century.
Homeschooling can be a viable option for Jewish families, offering flexibility in schedule, family dynamics, and budget.
The podcast discusses Anthony Fauci's recent media appearances and a controversial article in The New York Times that suggests reverting to pre-2020 living.
This article describes the author's experience in a COVID-19 hotel in Israel for teenagers who contracted the virus during Reform movement summer trips.
The article discusses the changing rhetoric around abortion in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this article, the author reflects on the excessive photo-documentation at summer camps and the role of parents in perpetuating this trend.
The article discusses the trust deficit between the CDC and parents regarding childhood vaccination, specifically the COVID-19 vaccines for young children.
This article argues against the mandate of COVID-19 booster shots for children attending camps.
In this discussion, Sally Abed, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron cover various topics including the cyclic nature of violence and calm periods, Israel's decision to end the mask mandate despite ongoing COVID cases, and the idea of having a Holocaust Day that is both Jewish and Israeli.
In this discussion, Sally Abed, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron cover three main topics.
In a recent podcast, the discussion covers the declining COVID-19 numbers indicating the potential end of the pandemic, with even Anthony Fauci suggesting this.
The author recounts their experience of testing positive for COVID-19, two years into the pandemic.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's decision to extend the student loan moratorium under the guise of COVID-19, questioning its benefits and potential political consequences.
James B. Meigs discusses the emergence of a stealth variant in Asia and the possibility of renewed Covid restrictions in America.
The author reflects on his experiences leading Passover Seders for his family, both before and after becoming religiously observant.
The podcast discussed the tense situation as Russian troops gathered near Ukraine, raising concerns about a potential invasion over the weekend.
The article discusses how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has abandoned scientific integrity in its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This text discusses the recent controversy surrounding Joe Rogan and his podcast, involving skepticism about COVID vaccines.
The author describes their experiences exploring the nightlife scene in Los Angeles.
The Jewish tradition of shiva, a week-long period of mourning following the funeral of a first-degree relative, has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The question of why a just God allows evil in the world, known as theodicy, has been debated throughout history.
Holocaust survivors in Australia have been sharing their personal stories with students through Bnai Brith Courage to Care for the past 30 years.
Democrats are starting to realize the political downsides of being overly cautious about Covid-19, prompting questions about when they will ease pandemic restrictions for self-preservation.