Tag: Dachau

The author reflects on her father's ability to evade death multiple times and contemplates the inevitability of losing loved ones as they age.
The unidentified remains of at least one victim from Dachau, the Nazi concentration camp, were recently buried in a Jewish family's plot in Washington, D.C. The bones were sent home by U.S. Army soldier Sgt. Willard N. Maddox in 1946 and remained hidden until they were discovered by Maddox's son-in-law years later.
Lieutenant John Withers, an African American soldier in the segregated US Army, risked his future to provide shelter for two Holocaust survivors, Shlomo Joskowicz and Mieczyslaw Wajgenszperg.
The Forward recently received 66 cartoons by Paul Markison, a survivor of Dachau and longtime cartoonist for the paper.
President Trump and Vice President Pence have been working to mend relations with the Jewish community after facing criticism for anti-Semitic undertones during their campaign.
An iron gate inscribed with the words "Arbeit macht frei" which was stolen from the Dachau concentration camp in Germany has been found in Norway two years after the theft.
Bernadette O'Connell recently donated photographs taken by her grandfather, Pinckney Glasgow McElwee, during the liberation of Dachau in 1945 to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.