Tag: Draft Exemption

In a 2021 podcast episode, Yehoshua Pfeffer, a haredi judge, editor, and rabbi, discusses the ongoing debate in Israeli politics about whether haredi Jews should be required to serve in the IDF.
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subsidies and potential future draft enforcement.
The article discusses the ongoing internal conflict in Israel regarding the issue of drafting Haredi yeshiva students into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
The article discusses the ongoing debate in Israel regarding the exemption of young Haredi men from mandatory military service if they claim to be studying Torah full-time, a practice dating back to the founding of the state.
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military service, causing resentment among other Israelis.
The text discusses the exemption of Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews in Israel from military service, highlighting the disparity between them and the rest of the country's youth who are required to serve, especially during times of war like the conflict with Hamas.
There is a growing trend of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) young men in Israel volunteering for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).