Tag: European Union

The far-right National Rally party, led by Marine Le Pen, is projected to lead after the first round of voting in Frances legislative elections, potentially securing a majority in parliament.
An Israeli Defense Forces strike in Rafah, targeting Hamas leaders, resulted in the deaths of dozens of people in a displaced persons camp.
The article discusses the implications of an Israel-Hamas ceasefire, highlighting concerns about Hamas remaining in power and posing threats to both Palestinians and Israelis.
Poland has a history of political ups and downs, with the right-wing Law and Justice Party (PiS) ruling for eight years before losing the recent general elections to a centrist-progressive coalition.
The article highlights Germany's complicated and often contradictory role in international politics, particularly regarding its stance towards Ukraine.
The European Union has unveiled its first Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life, led by European Commission Coordinator Katharina von Schnurbein.
The European Union has announced a new strategy to combat antisemitism, raising questions about its potential impact on Jews in Europe and diaspora communities outside the continent.
The text is a personal account of a meeting with Serge Muller, an arms dealer and former African diamond king known as "Mr. Blood Diamond."
The author argues that Turkey, under President Erdogan, is becoming a threat to Europe and the wider Mediterranean region.
Anders Persson examines the evolution of European Union (EU) policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from 1967 to the present.
Anders Persson delves into the evolution of EU policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from 1967 to the present, showcasing the intricate diplomatic challenge it poses for the European Union.
The European Union is grappling with its approach towards Israel and Palestine in the context of the stagnant peace process.
The European Union maintains a close relationship with Israel but faces challenges in advancing the Middle East peace process.
The Israel-EU relationship, stemming from their post-World War II founding ideals, is complex, characterized by strong economic ties but political tensions.
The relationship between Israel and the European Union, both established post-World War II, has been characterized by strong economic connections but political tensions.
On January 31, 2020, after 47 years of membership, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union following the Brexit referendum in 2016.
JTA Washington Bureau Chief Ron Kampeas provides insight into the heated exchange of comments between Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and President Trump following Omar's remarks about the September 11 attacks.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the Palestinian Authority's new schoolbooks promoting anti-Jewish sentiment leading to European aid cuts, the debate on the religious moderation of modern orthodox Jews in Israel, and the challenges faced by women in local politics.
In the play "Last Exit Before Brexit," philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy passionately argues against Brexit, seeing it as damaging for both Britain and Europe.
In "The End of Europe" by James Kirchick, the author explores the rise of figures like Nigel Farage in the UK and Angela Merkel in Germany within the context of growing populism and nationalism across Europe.
Vice President Mike Pence, accompanied by his family, visited the Dachau concentration camp in Germany during his trip for the Munich Security Conference.
Israel recently passed a law mandating domestic organizations primarily funded by foreign governments to disclose this in communications with the government, spearheaded by Ayelet Shaked.
Konstanty Gebert in response to "The Ukrainian Question" discusses the differing perspectives in Eastern European countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine regarding their historical narratives, nationalism, and attitudes towards Nazi collaborators.
An ex-member of the European Parliament reflects on the bias and hostility towards Israel among European political and academic elites.