Tag: Expectations

A mother reflects on her decision to make her 17-year-old daughter work for her own spending money after a lavish party led to a credit card dispute.
This article discusses the dilemma faced by parents when it comes to their child's homework.
This article discusses the myth of the perfect marriage perpetuated by Walt Disney and the unrealistic expectations it creates.
The text discusses Democrats' strategy of blaming inflation on others while suggesting Republicans could address it with a plan, questioning if this tactic will succeed.
In a podcast episode about movies from 2021, the hosts share their favorite films of the year and explain why they found them compelling, visually appealing, or surprisingly better than anticipated.
In this analysis, the focus is on Joe Biden's initial executive actions and the criticism from his COVID czar regarding the lack of a plan, which is seen as a tactic to manage expectations.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the renowned sex therapist, provides six Valentine's Day tips for various scenarios.