Tag: Fake News

A disinformation campaign with ties to Russia has been targeting various news outlets, including American Jewish sites like the Forward and Hamodia, by creating fake articles and videos to spread false information about Israel, Gaza, and international relations.
The article discusses the prevalence of deepfakes, which are digitally manipulated images or videos, in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza.
The Israeli health ministry has called out Elon Musk for sharing fake news about COVID-19 data.
The "Disinfo Dictionary" provides brief descriptions of various terms related to disinformation, censorship, and government control over media and information.
Eli Lake discusses the ongoing Durham investigation on a podcast, focusing on the revelations about the 2016 efforts to prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, which have been found to be baseless.
The text discusses how social media has distorted the truth, led to the spread of fake news, and contributed to the breakdown of political civility.
In this text, Yochai Benkler of Harvard University discusses the impact of social media on the spread of fake news and the erosion of political norms.
The discussion of cancel culture often overlooks a critical issue: the erosion of trust in society, leading to an atmosphere of suspicion and fear.
Neil McGregor, former director of the British Museum, discusses the significance of museums in today's era of technological advancements and misinformation.
The text discusses allegations that top spies may have leaked information to media outlets like NBC and CNN in exchange for on-air jobs, raising concerns about ethics and conflicts of interest within the press.
In this episode of The Promised Podcast, Allison, Noah, and Gilad Halpern discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's use of the fake news narrative as a defense strategy, questioning whether Israelis believe in a media conspiracy against the Prime Minister.