Tag: First Intifada

A brief overview of the modern history of Gaza, covering major events like the 1948 War of Independence, the 1967 6-Day War, the Oslo Accords, the Disengagement in 2005, and Hamas' rule over the region.
The word "intifada" has become central to pro-Palestinian protests, with some viewing it as a call for violence against Jews and others seeing it as a peaceful term calling for a nonviolent uprising against Israeli occupation.
The author reflects on their experiences and perspective regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Scholar Jennifer Lynn Kelly explores the political potential of Palestinian solidarity tourism in her book, "Invited to Witness."
The First Intifada, which erupted thirty years ago, is often misrepresented as violent, but a critical reevaluation reveals that it was primarily characterized by effective grassroots organizing and nonviolent civil resistance, with women playing a key leadership role.
Ziad Abu Ein, a Palestinian activist known for organizing the Olive Branch March during the First Intifada, demonstrated his commitment to nonviolent protest and peace efforts.
The text discusses the author's personal experience of refusing reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces during the First Intifada due to his objection to Israeli rule in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.