Tag: French Politics

The recent European elections in France have posed a crucial question for the Jewish community regarding the impact on their future - as two notably different political coalitions with histories of antisemitism vie for power.
Eric Ciotti, the president of France's mainstream conservative party, has proposed forming an alliance with Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally, despite its history of antisemitism.
Gabriel Attal, France's new prime minister, is making headlines for being the country's youngest prime minister at 34 and its first openly gay prime minister.
The author questions the double standard and selective outrage displayed by protesters who support the Palestinian cause but ignore other instances of violence and injustice, such as the actions of Hamas, the war in Yemen, the Syrian conflict, the genocide of Uighurs in China, and the plight of Afghan women.
This text discusses the recent political developments in Israel's ongoing cycle of elections, with a focus on the failure of Bennett and Lapid to form a coalition government, leading to yet another round of voting.
In a recent podcast, the discussion covers the declining COVID-19 numbers indicating the potential end of the pandemic, with even Anthony Fauci suggesting this.