Tag: Future

Rabbi Mishael Zion reflects on the idea of when it might be time to leave Israel amidst ongoing security concerns, expressing a deep commitment to the country despite internal and external threats.
In Home Front Ep.
The podcast delves into the failures of right-leaning initiatives aimed at addressing working-class concerns over the last two decades.
In this Q&A session with Yonit and Jonathan, they discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial reform plan and its political implications, analyze a Super Bowl ad hinting at a new direction for American Jews, and share examples of impressive chutzpah.
The podcast discusses the uncertain future facing Kevin McCarthy and the House Republicans following McCarthy's difficult 15th-ballot election as House Speaker.
Matthew Continetti recently joined a podcast to analyze the Russian war on Ukraine and its implications for American politics and the Right.
The text explores the idea that Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, is a form of time travel.
Steve Kornacki discusses the New York City Democratic primary results and what they reveal about the party's ideological composition and the future of ranked-choice voting on a podcast.
Israel's successful vaccination program against COVID-19 is being closely watched as a potential model for other countries.
In this discussion, Ilan Goldenberg analyzes the relationship between Israel, Iran, and the region under the Biden administration.
In a podcast discussion featuring Daniel Casse and his Wall Street Journal op-ed titled "The Future Turns 50 This Year," the focus is on the significant changes that took place in 1971 and their lasting impact.
Democrats in Congress are facing criticism for expanding their demands during negotiations on a new pandemic relief package, leading to a stall in the process.
The text discusses the uncovering of predictions in the Torah that have come true and questions how a human author could have known about the future, highlighting the concept of an eternal Jewish nation.