Tag: Gaslighting

A woman named Cecile, now known as Sara, discovered her connection to Judaism while facing anti-Semitism during her time at Columbia University.
The video explores Sara's journey of discovering her Judaism at Columbia University amidst a challenging environment including violent threats, gaslighting, exclusion, and betrayal after October 7th.
This text discusses the concept of gaslighting and how it is used by Palestinian leaders to manipulate public opinion.
The article discusses the concept of "whataboutism" and its use in discussions about Israel and the Jewish world.
The podcast discusses the complexity of recent leaks, increased lawlessness in Chicago, and the New York Times' shifting narrative.
This podcast episode delves into the confusion surrounding the UFO incursions, discussing the myriad of strange and conflicting details that have emerged.
The text discusses a perceived double standard in media coverage, questioning why concerns about Donald Trump and his accountants are emphasized while findings by special prosecutor John Durham are dismissed.