Tag: Gaza Blockade

A recent Israeli ad featured on Hulu portrays an idealized version of Gaza with images of a Mediterranean paradise, highlighting aspects like DJs, hotels, and happy people, concluding with a call to "Visit Gaza. Without Hamas."
As Israeli airstrikes continue to bombard Gaza, Palestinian Americans are anxiously following the violence from thousands of miles away.
Hamas launched an attack on Israel called 'Al-Aqsa Flood,' citing defense of the Aqsa Mosque and opposition to Israeli aggression and control in the region as motivations.
The author discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in Gaza and criticizes the Israeli government's approach to managing the conflict.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent change in rhetoric towards Israel has raised questions about his intentions and the future of Turkey-Israel relations.
Israeli entrepreneurs have found success by capitalizing on the global demand for vuvuzelas, the loud plastic horns used by South African fans during World Cup matches.