Tag: Hebrew Culture

Israeli peace activist Vivian Silver, dedicated to Arab-Jewish partnership and peace, was tragically killed by Hamas terrorists.
The author expresses their love for Israel, citing its miraculous creation and history.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss proposed school reforms in Israel that would empower principals to dismiss ineffective teachers and reward good ones, introducing free-market principles to education.
The article discusses the golden era of Hebrew culture in Morocco in the early and middle part of the 20th century.
In his book "A Rich Brew," Professor Shachar Pinsker explores how cafes played a significant role in shaping modern Jewish culture before World War II.
The text is a satirical and self-reflective account of an Israeli boy's perspective on Israel, its history, culture, conflicts, and his family's experiences.
In a discussion titled "The Peace Movement Stirs?", Don, Noah, and guest Ilene Prusher touch upon three significant topics: the controversy over a natural gas deal in Israel, the resurgence of the peace movement amidst the Gaza war anniversary, and the impact of Israeli musicians favoring English over Hebrew.