Tag: Hiroshima

Michigan Congressman Tim Walberg faced criticism after suggesting that Israel should handle Gaza swiftly akin to Nagasaki and Hiroshima, clarifying he wasn't advocating for nuclear war, rather emphasizing the need to end conflicts quickly to protect civilians.
Leslie Sussan, the daughter of Herbert Sussan, a filmmaker who documented the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is considered an honorary second-generation survivor of the bombings.
In Japan, a unique connection exists between the Japanese Christian community and Israel, highlighted by the story of Reverend Makoto Otsuka and his Holocaust Education Center in Fukuyama City, just outside Hiroshima.
Dr. Ran Zwigenberg, a professor of history, discusses the parallel cultures of commemoration stemming from the Hiroshima and Auschwitz catastrophes in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern.
Seventy years ago, in July 1945, the first nuclear bomb test, codenamed Trinity, took place in New Mexico, marking the beginning of the nuclear age.