Tag: Home Front

The final episode of the season of Home Front was covered in episode 64, originally published on Mishpacha Magazine.
In Home Front Ep.
In Home Front Ep.
In a recent episode of Home Front, the podcast discussed Benny Gantz's activities in America, the political implications of Gaza on a global scale, and the common thread among isolated incidents of anti-Semitism.
In the podcast episode of Home Front, the focus is on navigating the draft issue with finesse and sophistication, along with a discussion on Sinwar's formidable survival tactics.
In episode 57 of Home Front, the discussion covered the delicate negotiations surrounding hostage situations, potential changes in US policy regarding settlements, and a positive interaction between Israeli politician Nir Barkat and Saudi officials, highlighting Israel's global standing.
In Home Front Ep.
In this episode of Home Front, the focus is on three main topics.
In this episode of Home Front, Ben Gvir's comments in the Wall Street Journal are discussed.
The latest episode of Home Front discusses the potential for a hostage deal and the potential costs involved.
In this episode of Home Front, it is argued that Israel cannot afford to align itself with America's obsession with the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The author reports from Jerusalem, where normal life goes on amidst the intensity of the war.
In the latest episode of Home Front, several important topics were discussed.
In this episode of Home Front, the hosts discuss how the United States, although a good friend, may not have a complete understanding of the situation on the ground.
In this episode of Home Front, important topics are discussed.
In this episode of Home Front, there is a discussion about the recent Beirut assassination and whether it was a calculated but necessary risk.