Tag: Hostages And Missing Families Forum

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum recently released a special Shavuot cookbook featuring 75 recipes, each accompanied by a photo and a description of a hostage, some deceased and some still in captivity.
Orly Peli-Bronshtein, a renowned Israeli food writer, has edited a new cookbook called "Shavuot of Longing: Their Recipes on Our Table," created by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum to honor those held hostage or killed in attacks.
In a bid to raise awareness about Israeli hostages, influencer Montana Tucker featured the story of a freed hostage in a skincare promo, prompting mixed reactions among supporters.
The tradition of baking a shlissel challah in the shape of a key on the Shabbat after Pesach is rooted in a belief for financial blessings, symbolizing that livelihood is in God's hands.
Broadway Cares, a well-known theater charity, faced criticism for its contributions to Gaza relief and has responded by donating $400,000 to four Israeli aid organizations.
New Yorkers celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim in various ways, from lively street parties in Brooklyn to a solemn rally in Central Park.
On the National Mall, a shipping container has been set up by advocates for the hostages held by Hamas, aiming to raise awareness.
During the October 7 attacks by Hamas, 253 civilians and IDF soldiers were abducted, with 112 hostages freed since then.
Yair Moses has been advocating for the release of his father, Gadi Moses, who was kidnapped in Gaza along with his mother.
The 2024 Genesis Prize, known as the Jewish Nobel, was awarded to groups supporting Israelis held hostage in Gaza, including the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, JAFI Fund for Victims of Terror, Lev Echad, NATAL-The Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center, and OneFamily-Overcoming Terror Together.
Thousands of people, including a recently released Israeli child hostage and relatives of those still held captive by Hamas, gathered outside the United Nations to mark 100 days since the terror group's invasion of Israel.
Two Israeli-Americans, Judith Weinstein and Gadi Haggai, who went missing during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, have been confirmed killed.
Two Israeli-Americans who went missing during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 have been confirmed killed.
The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, based in Tel Aviv, is a civil society organization providing support and advocacy for the families of those abducted by Hamas.
Hamas has released a video of three Israeli women who were taken hostage on October 7.