Tag: Islamic Extremism

Student activists, particularly within Students for Justice in Palestine, are pushing for the incorporation of anti-Palestinian racism and the bolstering of Middle East and settler-colonial studies within university curricula.
Gideon Falter, CEO of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, faced discrimination by the police in London for being openly Jewish during a pro-Palestinian march, highlighting the lack of protection for Jews in such situations.
The video explores the origins and motivations behind the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, examining their anti-American, anti-Israeli sentiments, Jew-hatred, and Islamic fundamentalism while delving into their viral video tactics and connections to humanitarian crises and attacks on merchant ships.
The text discusses the convergence of regressive and progressive extremism impacting Western societies and their foreign policies, particularly regarding Israel and Hamas.
The text discusses the impact of October 7th on the West, emphasizing a rise in extremism and anti-Semitism, notably in cities like London.
British Member of Parliament Mike Freer announced his resignation due to threats from Islamists and anti-Zionists for representing Jews and supporting Israel, facing violence and intimidation, including a suspected arson attack on his office.
A Muslim website, 5 Pillars, raised concerns about Labours Rochdale candidate, Ali, who has a history of counter-terrorism advisory roles and association with a mosque that hosted extremist speakers.
In this interview, Ilan Berman, an expert on regional security in the Middle East, discusses the potential threats to the Western liberal democratic world order.