Tag: Islamic Fundamentalism

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is framed as a larger battle representing the Muslim Brotherhood versus the Western world, with Israel positioned on the side of the West.
The article discusses the high child population in Gaza, where children make up nearly half of the population, a trend influenced by religious beliefs and historical factors.
The text discusses the author's Islamophobic views, citing experiences of Palestinian terrorism rooted in Islamic fundamentalism and the history of conflicts involving Israel and Palestine.
Salman Rushdie's book "Knife: Meditations after an Attempted Murder" recounts his survival of a brutal attack by a religious fanatic in 2022 that left him with serious injuries, including loss of sight in one eye and the use of one hand.
The article discusses the issue of Islamophobia and argues that there are rational reasons to be fearful of Islam and Muslims due to their geopolitical influence and the presence of terrorism.
The article discusses the difficulties that the West, particularly Israel, faces in understanding Hamas and the Middle East.
The author argues that the Palestinian problem is primarily a religious problem, specifically stemming from a jihadist interpretation of Islam.
The Hamas charter, created in 1987 and revised in 2017, sheds light on the group's decision to target innocent Jewish civilians.
This text outlines a perspective on achieving peace in the Middle East, emphasizing the fundamental issue of Arab recognition of Israel's right to exist.
The text discusses the author's experience traveling to Baku, Azerbaijan, on a budget flight with details about the airline, in-flight entertainment, and passengers.
In his article "Strange Journey: A Response to Shmuel Trigano," the author reflects on Shmuel Trigano's analysis of the rise of anti-Semitism in France, attributing it to historical events in the 1980s and traditional teachings of Islam.