Tag: Israel Us Relations

The recent US presidential debate between Biden and Trump was characterized as embarrassing, depressing, and deeply worrying, particularly regarding its implications for the Middle East and the perception of US leadership internationally.
The podcast episode "Bibi's House of Cards" explores the growing rifts in Israel's ruling coalition, particularly between Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House, and the military, questioning if the government can stay united until the critical deadline of July 28.
Benny Gantz, a key figure in the Israeli war cabinet, has resigned, leading to speculation on whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will survive politically.
Israeli mothers are expressing their frustration and resistance to the ongoing violence and warfare in Israel, feeling their children are being used as cannon fodder for political gains.
Recently, there has been discussion about American views regarding Israel since October 2023, highlighting differing perspectives among Jewish and non-Jewish Americans.
Iran's attack on Israel drew the United States and Israel closer together after weeks of tension due to Israel's conflict with Hamas.
Mark Regev, a close adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed that the current tension between Israel and the U.S. is justifiable to defeat Hamas.
A recent Pew Research Center survey indicates that while Israel is facing some challenges in public opinion due to ongoing conflicts and PR struggles, overall, Americans still view Israelis more sympathetically than Palestinians.
US Senate leader Chuck Schumer, a prominent Jewish politician, publicly called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step down before the November presidential election in an attempt to reassure discontented Democrats.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized Chuck Schumer's call for new elections in Israel as inappropriate, amidst escalating tensions with President Joe Biden's administration over the handling of the conflict with Hamas.
Itamar Ben-Gvir, a far-right cabinet minister in Israel, openly criticizes President Joe Biden for his support of humanitarian aid to Palestine.
The article highlights the consistent support for Israel from members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), countering instances of Black antisemitism.
A recent GOP debate discussed issues related to Israel and George Soros.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing protests and opposition over his attempts to curtail the powers of the court, leading to potential conflict with the military elite.
In this opinion piece, the author argues that Henry Kissinger, despite being unpopular among some supporters of Israel, was actually a skilled statesman whose diplomatic strategy helped ensure the survival and well-being of Israel.
Gideon Saar, a former ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left Likud to form his own party, New Hope, in an attempt to challenge Netanyahu in the upcoming Israeli elections.
The text discusses various important topics such as President Trump's decision to stop American aid for Palestinian refugees, the increase in homeschooled children in Israel, reflections on key events and figures of the previous year, and American rabbis' dilemmas in addressing Israel on Rosh Hashanah.
The 2012 election cycle, featuring Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, was outlined as one of the most Jewish elections in American history due to Jewish involvement in various political aspects.