Tag: Israeli Arabs

The text discusses the liberal vs. conservative debate within Israel, focusing on the perspectives of Israeli Jews and Jewish Israelis.
A recent Pew survey indicates a significant decline in Israeli Jews supporting a peaceful coexistence with a Palestinian state, dropping to 19% from 32% before recent conflicts.
Haaretz journalist Sheren Falah Saab, reporting on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, discusses how younger Arabs in Israel increasingly identify as Palestinians amidst rising oppression.
The author reflects on the challenging times in the Middle East but emphasizes the importance of creating joy for both Arab and Jewish citizens.
The outgoing Israeli government, which included Arab political parties for the first time, made meaningful changes for Israeli Arabs but also empowered dangerous right-wing forces.
In a walk through a park with A.B. Yehoshua, the author discusses his critique of American Jewry and his vision of Zionism.
The authors of this text discuss the changing dynamics between Jewish Israelis and Arab Israelis, highlighting the current opportunities for a new social compact.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid, in an interview with Tablet's Yair Rosenberg, explains the success of his party, Yesh Atid, which promotes political centrism as a response to the rise of populism.
In "Manufacturing Falsehoods," journalist Ben-Dror Yemini refutes false allegations against Israel made by NGOs, academics, and the media, aiming to correct the negative view often portrayed.
In Israel, a growing number of Arab parents are choosing to send their children to Jewish schools for the better funding, educational opportunities, and Hebrew language skills they provide, despite the potential loss of Arabic language and challenges to their Palestinian identity.
Geoffrey Levin, a doctoral student at NYU, explores Jewish Americans' perspectives on Israel's treatment of its Arab minority during the 1950s and 60s, a period marked by military rule.
Dr. Salomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, discusses the unique position of the Jewish civilization in relation to the rise and decline of civilizations, drawing lessons from history.