Tag: Israeli National Anthem

This text is a quiz containing questions about Jewish topics such as Rashi's birthplace, the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin, the origins of the Israeli national anthem "Hatikvah," the first president of Israel, the first city conquered by the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, and the blessing for eating fish.
In 1978, Barbra Streisand sang Hatikvah to former Prime Minister Golda Meir during an Independence Day event, with the two women sharing a video conversation before Meir's passing later that year.
The New York Jewish Week has compiled a list of their 10 most-read stories of 2023.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) began as a moderate voice advocating for Palestinian rights during the Oslo peace process.
In a historic achievement, Israel's under-20 men's soccer team won third place at the U-20 World Cup in Argentina.
Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's strategy of using the threat of Iran's nuclearization to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, sometimes without American involvement, raising questions about the implications of his approach.