Tag: Israeli Supreme Court

Prof. Yaniv Roznai, a legal expert, is warning against the "override clause" in Israel's incoming government led by Benjamin Netanyahu.
In this podcast, Knesset member Simcha Rothman discusses the major concerns facing Israel's democracy, with a focus on the judiciary.
This article discusses the ideological conflict between internationalism/globalism and nationalism in the contemporary West.
The Israeli Supreme Court recently made a ruling on non-Orthodox conversions, which has implications for the Israel-Diaspora relationship.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss various political and social topics in Israel.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the possibility of granting Prime Minister Netanyahu amnesty from corruption charges in exchange for his resignation.
In this episode, the hosts discuss three main topics.
Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and human rights attorney Emily Schaeffer Omer-Man discuss the importance of having two parties on Israel's left versus one and whether one party to the right of Likud is better than two.
In this episode titled "The Two Party Solution Edition," Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and human-rights attorney Emily Schaeffer Omer-Man discuss whether having two parties on Israel's left or one more right-wing party is better for the country, along with a case where a man was sued for not disclosing his sexual preferences to his fiancée-turned-wife.
Eva Hoffe, who recently passed away at 84, was involved in a high-profile legal battle in Israel over Franz Kafka's manuscripts.
Aharon Barak, a prominent figure in Israeli law, reshaped the country's legal landscape through bold judicial activism during his time on the Supreme Court from 1995 to 2006.
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions about various topics including recent speeches by PA President Abbas and Israeli PM Netanyahu at the UN, the rulings of the Israeli Supreme Court on controversial issues, and the silencing of dissent in Israel highlighted in Mairav Zonszein's New York Times op-ed.