Tag: Israeli Supreme Court

The YouTube video discusses the historic Israeli Supreme Court decision requiring ultraorthodox individuals to serve in the military, potentially impacting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government, with in-depth analysis of the ruling's legal, political, economic, and social implications by Moment Israel Editor Eetta Prince-Gibson and Moment Editor-in-Chief Nadine Epstein.
Israel's Supreme Court recently made a landmark unanimous decision stating that there is no legal basis for exempting the ultra-Orthodox community from military service.
Israel's Supreme Court has issued a groundbreaking ruling mandating that haredi Orthodox Jews must serve in the army, ending a long-standing exemption for yeshiva students.
During the Weimar Republic, Hitler raised concerns about the limits on amending the constitution, especially regarding President Hindenburg's term extension in the 1932 election.
An attempt to expel far-left Israeli lawmaker Ofer Cassif for supporting South Africa's charge in the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza narrowly failed in the Knesset.
Aharon Barak, the former justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, is a controversial figure known for revolutionizing the role of the court and expanding its power.
This article discusses the complex politics surrounding Israel during times of war.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's allies have spent years maligning former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, who has been critical of the Netanyahu government's plans to overhaul the judiciary.
The Israeli Supreme Court recently overturned the reasonableness clause, a controversial part of Netanyahu's judicial changes, raising concerns of reigniting pre-October 7th tensions and a constitutional crisis in Israel.
In recent Israeli politics, there is a growing campaign by the Israeli left, with support from certain elements in the military, to portray settler violence in the West Bank as a major obstacle to a two-state solution.
Gadi Taub and Mike Doran discuss the current state of Israeli politics, highlighting the aggressive return of political tensions.
The Moments 2023 Benefit & Awards Gala was held at the Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC on November 12th.
In this podcast episode titled "Hunka Hunka Burning Parliament," the focus is on the post-Yom Kippur repentance fest and the resignation of Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, who apologized for inviting a Nazi into Parliament.
Trident DMG, a Washington-based public relations firm, has been hired by Blue and White Future, an Israeli NGO, to run a PR campaign against the Netanyahu government and its supporters.
In a special episode for the Jewish New Year, Yonit and Jonathan are joined by guest David Remnick to reflect on the past year and discuss the Israeli Supreme Court's session on Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial overhaul, the potential for a second term for Donald Trump, and Remnick's encounter with a prominent Jewish artist.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around significant events such as the reforming of the Israeli Supreme Court and the advancements in AI, exploring the lessons that can be drawn from these events and how they can enhance our understanding and observance of Rosh HaShana.
In a wide-ranging conversation, Daniel Gordis and Dahlia Scheindlin joined Forward's opinion editor, Laura E. Adkins, to discuss the potential outcomes of Israel's judicial overhaul.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams, after his recent trip to Israel, commended both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the anti-Netanyahu protesters for their love and concern for Israel.
During his visit to Israel, New York City Mayor Eric Adams met with representatives of the Israeli protest movement against the government's judicial overhaul.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is visiting Israel and engaging in various activities aimed at addressing the political crisis within the country.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a crisis within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as thousands of air force reservists have stopped reporting for duty in protest of measures that would weaken the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court.
The Reasonableness Standard Law recently enacted in Israel limits the Israeli Supreme Court's ability to review the reasonableness of government decisions.
The lack of a constitution in the Israeli political system has been a subject of debate.
This article discusses the influence of American Jewish philanthropists on Israeli politics and the threat it poses to Israeli democracy.
In an interview with Haaretz Weekly, Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and editor-in-chief of the Lawfare Blog, discusses the problematic nature of the Israeli Supreme Court's power, which he describes as being built on a weak foundation.