Tag: Jerusalem

Micah Goodman, a prominent figure associated with the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, delves into the contentious topic of whether Israel should stay in the West Bank or withdraw from the territories in his book "Catch-67."
In "Winter in the Promised Land," the narrator describes the contrast between the luxurious comfort of the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Jerusalem and the tense atmosphere of impending conflict between Israel and Gaza.
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda's father-in-law, Shlomo Naftali Hertz Jonas, lamented the absence of Judah Maccabee in prayers during Hanukkah, emphasizing Maccabee's importance as a hero and a symbol of Jewish resilience.
Jonah, an Israeli journalist, shares a harrowing experience of being on a flight that had to make an emergency water landing in the ocean after encountering technical issues.
The author reflects on an encounter in Hollywood where he pitched a screenplay about George Catlin, a painter who documented Native American life in the 19th century.
Ilan Goldenberg, a policy expert, discusses the merger of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem with the U.S. Embassy to Israel on a podcast with Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz.
The narrator reflects on their time in Jerusalem in the 1990s, remembering their relationship with Tavit, an Armenian Christian, against the backdrop of the Oslo Accords and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Haim Beer, an Israeli author whose work emphasizes Jewish sources and themes, has a newly translated vignette published in Tablet, showcasing his unique literary style that draws on traditional Jewish texts.
In a moving eulogy for John McCain, Joe Lieberman highlighted McCain's respect for Lieberman's Jewish practices and their shared love for Jerusalem.
Jerusalem's deputy mayor, Dov Kalmanovich, attributed the recent falling of a 220-pound boulder from the Western Wall near an egalitarian prayer site to what he calls "quarrel-mongers" like Reform leaders and Women of the Wall, suggesting the incident is a divine warning against them.
Peppers, originating in the New World, were introduced to the Mediterranean by Sephardic Jews serving as merchants, with North African Jews incorporating them into their cuisine to complement Friday night dinners.
In a special episode of AJC Passport titled "The Great Debate" held at the AJC Global Forum in Jerusalem, Member of Knesset Stav Shaffir of the Labor party and Mayor Oded Revivi of the West Bank settlement of Efrat debated the topic of "One State or Two States, Is There a Solution?"
The text explores the life of an olive grower in Jerusalem whose son was tragically killed in a confrontation in the West Bank.
Journalist and author Matti Friedman discusses the role of the press in covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a live episode of AJC Passport from Jerusalem.
In this episode of Unorthodox, Yossi Klein Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute and author of 'Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor,' discusses his understanding of the Palestinian perspective as a religious Jew in Jerusalem.
In this discussion, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman address three main topics: the perplexing issue of 61 deaths, a comparison between the differing approaches to free expression in Tel Aviv and decency in Jerusalem, and leftist reactions to Netta Barzilai's Eurovision Song Contest victory raising questions about national pride.
In this podcast episode, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss various significant topics, including the response to a tragic event resulting in multiple casualties, the debate between freedom of expression in Tel Aviv versus decency in Jerusalem, and the reaction to Netta Barzilai's Eurovision win by some leftist Israelis.
Muriel Spark, a celebrated author, and icon, known for works like The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, explored human motivation with depth and humor.
Professor Laura Schor from Hunter College in New York talks with host Gilad Halpern about Annie Landau, an exceptional British ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman who was a prominent figure in Jerusalem during a challenging time.
Professor Laura Schor, the author of "The Best School in Jerusalem: Annie Landau's School for Girls 1900-1960," speaks with Gilad Halpern about Annie Landau, an influential British ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman in Jerusalem during a turbulent era.
Refinery29 released a mini-documentary about the Tel Aviv drag scene, featuring a young soldier named German who transforms into a queen named Diamond with the guidance of local Israeli queens like Nona Chalant.
In "My Halakha, Your Halakha: Between Jewish Law and Jewish Life," Dr. Leon Wiener Dow explores the intersections of God, law, prayer, practice, and community in Jewish law through his book "The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law."
The text describes the author's experiences at the Givat Gonen School, which focused on integrating students from different backgrounds in Jerusalem.
An American-Israeli teenager accused of making countless bomb threats to Jewish community centers in the U.S. temporarily escaped police custody in Israel.
Lawrence Kaplan reflects on the enduring relevance of Moses Mendelssohn's work, "Jerusalem," by exploring Mendelssohn's discussion on the ceremonial law and its role in preserving fundamental religious truths in Jewish communities.