Tag: Jerusalem

In this podcast episode, journalist Neri Zilber and reporter Adam Rasgon discuss the current state of Palestinian politics.
In the final episode of the Israel Policy Forum-Terrestrial Jerusalem partnership series, Evan Gottesman and Danny Seidemann delve into the topic of the status quo surrounding access to the holy sites on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
This article reflects on the author's experiences with Ethiopian Jews and their version of Friday night dinner.
This article features two families who made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Yair Wallach's book "A City in Fragments: Urban Texts in Modern Jerusalem" explores the evolution of text in late 19th and early 20th-century Jerusalem, from stone inscriptions to street names to business cards.
In "A City in Fragments: Urban Texts in Modern Jerusalem," Dr. Yair Wallach analyzes the evolving significance of text in late 19th and early 20th century Jerusalem.
This article discusses the rising popularity of tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds, particularly in the United States.
In this article, Haaretz journalist Noa Landau and Middle East analyst Aaron Magid discuss the new Israeli government's efforts to improve relations with Jordan.
The author discusses the question of whether Tishah Be-Av, along with the other fasts instituted to mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple and Jerusalem, should be canceled in light of the modern state of Israel.
In this episode of Terrestrial Jerusalem, host Evan Gottesman is joined by Danny Seidemann to discuss upcoming events that could have an impact on Jerusalem.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on the experiences of the Ramchal after he relocated to Amsterdam where he published his well-known works such as Mesilas Yesharim, Derech Hashem, and Daas Tevunos.
In this discussion, Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Shira Efron and former consul general of Israel in New York, Alon Pinkas, analyze the new Bennett-Lapid government in Israel and its implications.
In this episode of Terrestrial Jerusalem, host Evan Gottesman and Daniel Seidemann discuss the recent events in Jerusalem.
The latest Gaza war between Israel and Hamas was not a spontaneous outbreak of violence caused by a local property dispute, as portrayed in some media narratives.
In this discussion, AJC Jerusalem Director Avital Leibovich, AJC Transatlantic Institute Director Daniel Schwammenthal, and AJC Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer Jason Isaacson examine the current state of U.S. policy on Iran and whether policymakers have learned from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
Professors David N. Myers and Benjamin Ravid reflect on the life and contributions of Simon Rawidowicz, a significant 20th-century Jewish intellectual, often overlooked, in a compilation of his key writings.
In Israel, a week of escalating tensions culminates in a widespread conflict involving rockets fired into Israel, destructive attacks on Gaza, and riots in various parts of the country.
Israel is currently facing a severe crisis, with thousands of rockets fired from Gaza, causing Israelis to take shelter.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber and Michael Koplow analyze the current crises in Jerusalem and Gaza and the persistent political stalemate in Israel.
The author discusses the current situation in Jerusalem, highlighting the complexities and nuances that are often overlooked.
The podcast discusses positive trends in pandemic data and a shift in tone among public health experts towards good news.
The concept of Jerusalem as the center of the world and the navel of the earth originated in the Book of Jubilees, a retelling of the Book of Genesis composed in Second Temple times.
In the first episode of the Terrestrial Jerusalem podcast series, Evan Gottesman and Daniel Seidemann discuss the reasons behind the ongoing conflict over Jerusalem.
Lior Schillat, Director General of the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, provides insights into the recent far-right riot in Jerusalem and the events leading up to it.
"Hill 24 Doesn't Answer" is a landmark Israeli film about the country's War of Independence.