Tag: Jewish Content

In the podcast episode of Home Front, the focus is on navigating the draft issue with finesse and sophistication, along with a discussion on Sinwar's formidable survival tactics.
The author, a professor of Jewish studies, shares her experience of struggling to find consistent and meaningful ways to engage her young children with Jewish traditions and community.
In the final episode of the Showtime series "The Curse," an Orthodox Jewish doula named Moses, played by chiropractor and actor Dr. Elliot Berlin, appears in the surprise birth scene.
The article "All Our Relations" was posted on Jewschool.
The article asserts that the current general-interest media landscape is irreparable, and that major outlets like The New York Times do not care about the concerns of Jewish readers.
"Not That Kind Of Rabbi" is a new podcast hosted by Ralph Benmergui.
The podcast "Unorthodox Presents: Israel Story: Wither Thou Goest" features a Ruth-themed episode from their sister podcast, Israel Story, during Passover.
The article discusses the work of comics scholar Steve Bergson, who explores comic books with Jewish content, highlighting various Jewish superheroes and stories within the comic book world.