Tag: Jewish Engagement

Hebrew Union College's decision to admit intermarried rabbis marks a significant step towards inclusivity, addressing the discrimination faced by interfaith couples and expanding the pool of eligible students amid decreasing enrollment.
Rob and Elisa Bildner's work with the Foundation for Jewish Camp highlights Jewish camp participation as a key predictor of adult Jewish engagement.
There is currently a critical opportunity for the Jewish community to invest in Jewish education and identity organizations, as there is a newfound demand for a greater understanding of Jewish belonging.
In this article, the author argues that the Jewish community's reaction to Roseanne Barr's recent controversial comments was excessive and counterproductive.
The author reflects on their experience as a day school parent and argues for the idea that Jewish day schools should be free or more affordable.
Doron Krakow, President and CEO of JCC Association of North America, responds to an article that praises European Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) for their commitment to nurturing Jewish connections.
Jewish organizations are increasingly turning to social media as a tool for outreach and engagement.
The article discusses the importance of making Torah study accessible and the positive impact it has on Jewish engagement.
The article discusses the need for passionate engagement in Judaism and Jewish life, noting the challenges of assimilation and disinterest among young Jews.
The podcast featuring Bret Stephens delves into current events concerning Ukraine, Biden, and the rise of nationalist conservatism.
The article discusses the challenges facing American Jewish communities based on the findings of the 2020 Pew Research Center report on Jewish Americans.
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's book "Nineteen Letters" provides a framework for understanding how Judaism can be relevant in the modern world.
In this episode of the Unorthodox podcast, the hosts discuss the upcoming Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, and how it will be different due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In episode 213 of the podcast "Knowing, Doing, and Being," the discussion revolves around the Jewish identity and engagement efforts of presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg, as well as insights from Andrew Rehfeld, the new president of Hebrew Union College.
Despite historical concerns about diminishing Jewish identity echoed in publications like Look magazine 50 years ago and the recent Pew Research report, the American Jewish community has actually grown and diversified, with over 7 million individuals now identifying as Jewish in the U.S.