Tag: Jewish Laws

The Etgar Quiz no 260 poses questions to test knowledge on Jewish topics, such as identifying the odd item out (boots being the answer as others are High Priest garments), scenarios where saving one's life involves prohibitions like worshiping idols, identifying the earliest founded location (Rishon le Zion), the destroyer of the Second Temple (the Romans), the author of the short story Yentl (Isaac Bashevis Singer), and the color set absent in the Israeli game Taki (purple).
The Clean Speech Project, a collaborative effort by Seed and GIFT, is promoting positive speech and unity within the community by raising awareness of Jewish laws regarding negative speech (loshon hora).
New York Jewish Week has compiled a list of 15 restaurants and caterers in NYC that are offering Rosh Hashanah meals for takeaway or delivery.
The Talmud is a complex and sprawling Jewish text, consisting of 63 volumes and filled with legalistic inquiries, fantastical tales, philosophical meditations, and personal interactions.
Fans of Taylor Swift have been experiencing amnesia after attending her Eras tour concert, with many unable to remember important details of the performance.
Orthodox Jewish women are using Instagram to educate and validate practitioners of taharat ha-mishpahah, the Jewish laws of family purity.
The video highlights the impact of Shmitah on Israeli farmers and encourages people to donate or support them in fulfilling this mitzvah.
The author reflects on their youthful religious experiences in yeshiva and the misconception that those years are the pinnacle of religious growth.
This text does not contain any information or discussion about "Halakhic Innovation from R. Haim David Halevi - R. Joseph Dweck."
This podcast discusses the question of who wrote the Torah and the implications of the answer.
The Mishnah is a collection of 63 books that codified and canonized the laws of the Oral Torah around 200 CE.