Tag: Jewish Philanthropists

A group of young Jewish philanthropists formed the Slingshot Giving Circle on Antisemitism in response to the rising antisemitism in the American Jewish community.
Strauss Bakery in Brooklyn recently created a massive four-foot, fifty-pound kosher hamantasch as part of a fundraising effort for Masbia, a kosher soup kitchen and food bank in New York.
The article discusses the challenges faced by American Jews during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in fitting into the American celebration of the Fourth of July.
Sinai Temple, a prominent Los Angeles synagogue, has launched a new fellowship program for rabbinical students aimed at addressing concerns about Israel and Zionism.
Matthias B. Lehmann’s book, "The (Railroad) Baron," examines the life and legacy of Baron Maurice de Hirsch, a prominent figure in Jewish history during the nineteenth century.
"The House of Fragile Things: Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of France" by James McAuley is a study of four interconnected French museums, once owned by wealthy Jews whose descendants perished in Auschwitz.
Combat Anti-Semitism Movement, a new organization created to fight anti-Semitism, is part of a larger trend of well-funded groups focused on combating anti-Semitism.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the idea that not having a government in Israel might be better than having one, questioning the impact of Benjamin Netanyahu on the circumstances of Palestinian Israelis.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the potential benefits of not having a government in Israel, suggesting that it might be better than having one.
The article suggests that American Jewish students facing hostility and ideological indoctrination in U.S. universities should consider studying in Israel where higher education is excellent and tuition is affordable, offering a free college education and a deep connection to Israel.
The text discusses the historical evolution and challenges of Jewish day school education in the United States.