Tag: Jewish Religious Practices

The text discusses the evolving role of women in Torah study and education, highlighting how women are now actively engaged in learning and teaching Torah across various Jewish communities, thanks to movements like Beit Yaakov and educational initiatives promoting female involvement.
Mayer Kirshenblatt, an artist born in Opatw in 1916 and later settled in Toronto, vividly painted over 300 scenes of Jewish life in the shtetl, including everyday activities and taboo subjects, before the Holocaust.
The article discusses a short novel by Sholem Aleichem called Moshkeleh Ganev, which was largely forgotten despite being published in 1903 and serialized in a Warsaw Yiddish daily.
Psalm 121 is a popular psalm that has been recited and studied throughout history.
The article reflects on the recent women's Hadran Siyum ha-Shas event, celebrating women's Talmud study and the advancement of women's Torah learning in the Jewish community.
"Hilkhot Nashim" is a publication by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) that aims to dispel misconceptions about women's obligations in Jewish ritual practice and encourages increased observance.
Scholarly works by Yair Furstenberg, Mira Balberg, and Stuart S. Miller delve into the intricate topic of purity in ancient Jewish communities.
The text portrays a figure known as Rav Aharon, a revered Torah scholar at Yeshivat Har Etzion, who was initially seen as stern and aloof but was discovered to possess a gentle and caring nature.