Tag: Josef Mengele

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan's visit to Bitburg, a German military cemetery containing graves of Waffen-SS members, sparked controversy as Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel and others urged him to reconsider honoring SS soldiers.
Rebecca Erbelding, an archivist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, discovered a unique photo album in 2006 that showcased Nazi officers enjoying leisure activities at Auschwitz, including infamous figures like Josef Mengele.
Eva Mozes Kor, a survivor of Auschwitz, forgave Nazi doctor Josef Mengele despite the atrocities he committed.
Dr. Gisella Perl, a Holocaust survivor, defied Josef Mengele in Auschwitz to save hundreds of pregnant women by performing secret abortions under dire conditions.
Dr. Josef Mengele, infamous for his cruel experiments on prisoners during the Holocaust, now has his remains utilized for teaching medical students at a Brazilian university.
After fleeing Auschwitz and living in South America under a false name, Nazi leader Dr. Josef Mengele's remains, known for torturous experiments on prisoners, have been in Brazil for decades.
In the film "The German Doctor," director Luca Puenzo creates a fictionalized account of Josef Mengele's time in Patagonia, Argentina, portraying him as a friendly but sinister figure named Jos Mengele experimenting with genetics.
"The German Doctor" is a film adapted by Argentinian filmmaker Lucia Puenzo from her novel "Wakolda," which explores a chance meeting between a mysterious doctor based on Josef Mengele and an Argentinian family in 1960.
The diaries of the infamous Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, purchased by an anonymous modern-Orthodox physician from the U.S. Midwest for $245,000, are being considered for a loan to Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and Museum in Jerusalem.