Tag: Liberals

A recent Fox poll and various data indicate that Joe Biden's focus on portraying Trump as a convicted felon may be gaining traction.
Ohio liberals are aiming to amend the state constitution to allow abortions up to fetal viability without state interference, except in cases where the mother's life is endangered, as determined by a physician.
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses why conservatives do not align with liberal views, citing examples of coercive policies advocated by the Left, such as charging those with good credit extra money to support individuals with bad credit.
The podcast episode delves into the political distractions surrounding the Nashville shooting in Tennessee, suggesting they are diverting attention from the shooter's motivations.
The podcast discusses the lack of liberal outrage regarding threats to conservative Supreme Court justices amid discussions of the Court's legitimacy following potential changes to Roe v. Wade.
The podcast discusses how some liberals and the left have been engaging in behavior they criticize conservatives for, justifying their actions as a response to perceived conservative actions.
The podcast discusses the backlash against Elon Musk and his recent $20 billion investment in Twitter for promoting free speech, highlighting criticism from establishment liberals and leftists.
Legal scholar Adam White discussed Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement on a podcast, exploring his legacy, impact on the court, lack of respect from liberals, and interesting details from past confirmation battles.
The text highlights a concern that some liberals may be talking themselves into clinical depression by focusing on negative news such as COVID, climate change, and judicial system issues, while rejecting good news.
The podcast delves into the billionaires tax debate, considering its constitutionality, revenue generation potential, and impact on ordinary people.
Liberals are concerned about Joe Biden's declining popularity and its implications, prompting an exploration of the supply chain issues and whether Trump is influencing Biden's troubles.
The podcast episode delves into an op-ed by Ezra Klein defending the dishonorable actions of the United States, particularly in Afghanistan, critiquing how it misrepresents the country's actions over the past two decades.
The podcast discussion highlighted by COMMENTARY columnist Matthew Continetti covers the Biden administration's handling of events in Cuba, the implementation of an indoor mask mandate in L.A. county, and the perceived trend among liberals to view being in a throuple as the ideal form of sexual relationship.
In a recent podcast, the discussion revolves around the decision by the president to end masking for vaccinated Americans and questions whether this change is based on science or a political strategy to divert attention from negative news.
The text discusses a podcast where the host shares experiences of communicating with his sister in a bomb shelter in Tel Aviv during a rocket attack, aiming to provide listeners with a real-time understanding of the situation.
The podcast discusses positive trends in pandemic data and a shift in tone among public health experts towards good news.
The text discusses the disbelief of the COMMENTARY group regarding liberals and the Biden administration ignoring clear evidence in the police shooting in Columbus, Ohio.
The text discusses the impact of social anxiety on various societal issues such as border security, COVID-19 response, and cancel culture.
In this podcast episode, discussions range from a demonstration attended by Christine, where liberals liken the Biden administration to Christmas every day, to Andrew Cuomo using intimidating tactics through a subordinate on New York state politicians, and the ongoing lack of diversity in the Oscars.
The podcast discusses the positive news about the COVID-19 vaccine, particularly in Israel, and questions why there is still a focus on negative aspects by elites.
The text discusses whether liberals will relax COVID restrictions once they are vaccinated and if the Biden administration is hesitant to engage in legal action against racial discrimination.
The podcast discusses the second impeachment of Donald Trump and the Senate's dilemma regarding his trial.
The podcast discusses a significant economic growth of over 33%, pointing out that the president is unlikely to receive much credit for it.
The podcast discusses how liberals have been gaslighting by accusing the Right of violating norms in Supreme Court nominations when it is actually liberals who have been the norm violators.
The podcast discusses the criticism faced by a letter in Harper's Magazine that defended free expression, highlighting the irony of prominent liberals and leftists being attacked for supporting this principle.