Tag: Library

The comic "Put Up, Take Down" by Solomon Brager portrays a hostage poster diary, highlighting the theme of a campus in crisis.
The author describes a chance encounter with another Jewish mom at the library and reflects on the importance of connecting with fellow Jews during challenging times.
Jewish students at Cooper Union College in Manhattan felt unsafe when pro-Palestinian protesters banged on the locked door of the library where they were studying and chanted "Globalize the Intifada."
The article provides a timeline of significant milestones in the history of Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher.
The text discusses a conversation between the author and their friend Modya Silver, who has a deep interest in Gestalt psychology and spirituality, despite not becoming a rabbi as initially intended.
Michelle Chesner, the Norman E. Alexander Librarian for Jewish Studies at Columbia University, and David delve into the evolution of formatting in sacred Jewish texts throughout history and its influence on religious Judaism.
"Jules Feiffer's American Follies" is a piece that offers a perspective on the current state of American society through the lens of a Jewish journalist.
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad representatives in the United States.