Tag: Louis Brandeis

On Sunday, the student government at Brandeis University voted down a resolution condemning Hamas and calling for the release of its hostages.
Jonathan D. Sarna discusses the complex legacy of Woodrow Wilson in relation to Jewish history, highlighting Wilson's positive actions towards Jews such as supporting Louis Brandeis' Supreme Court nomination and endorsing the Balfour Declaration for a Jewish national home in Palestine.
In "We Stand Divided," Daniel Gordis explores the longstanding rift between American Jews and Israel, tracing its roots back to differing views on religion, history, identity, and democracy.
Reinhold Niebuhr, a prominent Christian theologian, initially supported missionary efforts to convert Jews to Christianity in the 1920s but later abandoned this stance influenced by the Detroit Jewish community's social activism and commitment to social justice.
A recently auctioned letter by former President William Howard Taft criticized Louis Brandeis' nomination to the Supreme Court, calling it anti-Semitic.
In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously changed his stance on free speech during the Abrams v. United States case, where five Russian-born Jewish anarchists were prosecuted for distributing leaflets opposing America's involvement in World War I. Holmes, influenced by progressive intellectuals like British-Jewish political scientist Harold Laski, shifted his views on free speech, emphasizing the importance of a marketplace of ideas.