Tag: Midrashim

The text discusses the significance of Mount Sinai as the location where God gave the Torah to the Israelites, emphasizing its choice as a public and ownerless wilderness to prevent exclusivity and tribal claims.
This text discusses the controversy surrounding the figure of the Rambam (Maimonides) in Jewish history, questioning whether he was the most controversial person in Jewish history and exploring the reasons behind this controversy.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky was a unique and revered figure in the world of Torah study.
In this discussion, Rabbi Isaac Tawil explores the approach to Aggadah and Midrashim in the Talmud.
In this video by R. Joseph Dweck, the principles in Rambam's writings are discussed, specifically focusing on the balance between Midrashim (interpretive and storytelling elements in Jewish texts) and rationality.
In "The Autism Question and Beyond: Rereading the Joseph Saga," Yitzchak Blau reviews Samuel J. Levine's book "Was Yosef on the Spectrum?" which explores the idea of Joseph from the Bible having autism.
In the book "Was Yosef on the Spectrum? Understanding Joseph Through Torah, Midrash, and Classical Jewish Sources," Samuel J. Levine explores the idea of attributing autism to Joseph, a biblical hero.