Tag: Modern Israel

This article highlights 10 new haggadahs for 2024 that cater to a range of themes and audiences, including a focus on Zionism, American patriotism, and modern-day relevance.
Joe Lieberman, a prominent American Jewish figure and former senator from Connecticut, represented a unique era in American public life with his religious observance and support for Israel.
In this article, several thinkers respond to Hillel Halkin's essay about the new Israeli government.
The author reflects on his father's Russian character, his family's origins in Kamenetz-Podolski, and the discovery of his mother's Lithuanian heritage.
Nitzan Lebovic delves into the life of early Zionist poet Israel Zarchi in "Zionism and Melancholy, The Short Life of Israel Zarchi," offering a blend of literary, academic, and psychoanalytic exploration.
In "Zionism and Melancholy, The Short Life of Israel Zarchi," Nitzan Lebovic delves into the world of an early Zionist poet, offering a multi-faceted exploration that combines literature, academia, and psychoanalysis.
In "A Rich Brew: How Cafés Created Modern Jewish Culture," Shachar Pinsker explores the significant role of coffee houses in shaping modern Jewish culture.
In "A Rich Brew: How Cafs Created Modern Jewish Culture," Shachar Pinsker explores the significant role that coffee houses have played in shaping modern Jewish culture.
The debate surrounding the Holocaust often centers on whether it is a universal human issue or a specific atrocity committed by Germans against Jews.
Idan Barir explores the plight of the Yazidis, a minority group in Iraqi Kurdistan who suffered at the hands of the Islamic State in 2014.
Eran Kaplan, an Israel Studies professor at San Francisco State University, evaluates the phenomenon of Post-Zionism in his book "Beyond Post-Zionism," noting its rise in Israeli political and intellectual circles in the 1990s followed by its decline.
Dr. Dror Yinon from Bar-Ilan University discusses a recent series of lectures on Existentialism at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, highlighting the enduring importance of this philosophical tradition in today's world marked by populism and post-truth.
Professor Ruti Teitel explores how societies grapple with collective trauma and seek forgiveness after experiencing major violence and injustices.
Dr. Bjorn Brenner, a Middle East scholar at the Swedish Defense University, delves into the topic of Hamas rule in Gaza in his book "Gaza Under Hamas: From Islamic Democracy to Islamic Governance."
Professor Hasia Diner, a prominent historian of Jewish-American history, delves into her latest book, "Roads Taken: The Great Jewish Migration to the New World and the Peddlers Who Forged the Way," discussing patterns of Jewish migration to the Americas.
Steven Fine, a Jewish history professor at Yeshiva University and author of "The Menorah: From the Bible to Modern Israel," delves into the extensive history of the Menorah, a symbol deeply rooted in Jewish tradition.
Prof. Michael Levin discusses the significant role of Jewish-German architect Richard Kaufmann, who was hired in 1920 as the chief planner of the Zionist community and had a major influence on shaping the modern landscape of Israel.
In the discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah explore the significance of the recent ceasefire in Israel and how it can be utilized to build a better future amid the tragedies of war.