Tag: Money

According to the Rabbinic source, Tosefta Menachot 13:22, the reason Jerusalem was destroyed the second time is attributed to the combination of love of money and hatred towards one another, which is seen as equal to idolatry, incest, and bloodshed.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the complexities of funding from Jews in the Diaspora for Israel and question if there are situations where such support may be problematic.
In a recent semi-State of the Union address, Joe Biden put forward ambitious spending proposals which may raise concerns about their feasibility and impact on voter turnout.
The exhibit "Jews, Money, Myth" at the London Jewish Museum curated by Joanne Rosenthal, Dominik Czechowski, and Morgan Wadsworth-Boyle until October 17, examines the persistent stereotypes about Jews and money, debunking libels about Jewish financial power while exploring the historical roles of money in Jewish life.
The author reflects on receiving a significant sum of money from his deceased father and his internal struggle with wealth, debt, and Jewish values surrounding money.