Tag: Mossad

Israeli PM Naftali Bennett discloses new Mossad efforts to uncover information on missing Israeli Airman Ron Arad after a 35-year search.
Israel and Morocco have announced the establishment of full diplomatic relations, becoming the fourth Arab state to normalize ties with Israel in the past four months.
In this discussion, Sima Shine, former head of Mossad's research division and senior researcher at Israel's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), talks about recent developments in Iran, including the death of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who led Iran's nuclear weapons program.
"Our Lady in Tehran" is a compelling Israeli TV series set in Tehran, following the story of Tamar Rabinyan, an Israeli hacker and spy posing as an Iranian flight attendant.
In a recent episode of "The Great Knesset Debate," Israeli opposition parties discussed their responses to West Bank annexation.
Israel discovered a replica of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear reactor being built in eastern Syria in 2007, prompting concerns about the spread of weapons expertise from North Korea to Israel's enemies.
Yossi, a former Mossad agent turned associate, shared details of his espionage career, including a successful mission involving the kidnapping of a journalist's brother to gather information on Egyptian President Nasser.
"Shadow Strike" by Yaakov Katz recounts the 2007 discovery of a Syrian nuclear reactor by Israeli intelligence and the subsequent diplomatic and military actions taken.
The text discusses the banality of the Eichmann trial, highlighting Adolf Eichmann's role as an ordinary German bureaucrat who orchestrated the Holocaust, focusing on the capture, trial, and subsequent cultural impact of the trial.
Ashraf Marwan, son-in-law to Egyptian President Nasser and close to Sadat, spied for Israel before the Yom Kippur War, providing critical warnings of the Arab attack.
In a recent episode of AJC Passport, journalist Ronen Bergman delves into the Mossad's strategy of targeted killings, based on his book "Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations," shedding light on the secretive agency's tactics through archives and interviews.
In episode 148 of Unorthodox, the discussion revolves around the film "Operation Finale," focusing on the 1960 mission to capture Nazi architect Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.
"Harpoon: Inside the Covert War Against Terrorism's Money Masters" delves into the story of Meir Dagan, a former Mossad director, who revolutionized Israeli counterterrorism by targeting the financial roots of terrorist organizations.
Recent novels by prominent Jewish American writers such as Jonathan Safran Foer, Joshua Cohen, Nathan Englander, and Nicole Krauss have prominently featured Israel and Israelis, indicating a shift in American Jewish fiction towards themes related to Israel.
"The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel" by Uri Bar-Joseph delves into the fascinating story of Ashraf Marwan, an Egyptian who became Israel's most valuable intelligence asset, providing crucial information until 1998.
Goldberg, a wrestler who recently returned to the ring after 12 years, embodies Jewish pride and identity.
"Sylvia Rafael: The Life and Death of a Mossad Spy" details the life of Sylvia Rafael, a Mossad agent targeted for assassination by Black September terrorists in 1977.
In the film "The German Doctor," director Luca Puenzo creates a fictionalized account of Josef Mengele's time in Patagonia, Argentina, portraying him as a friendly but sinister figure named Jos Mengele experimenting with genetics.
The event marking the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War brought together Major General (ret.) Eli Zeira and Major General (ret.) Zvi Zamir, key figures from the war.
On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a debate arises over the actions of Israel's top spymasters regarding the conflict.