Tag: Muscular Judaism

The text discusses the ongoing issue of combating antisemitism and anti-Zionism on college campuses, highlighting the ineffectiveness of current approaches by organizations such as Hillel and the Anti-Defamation League.
The article discusses the historical concept of "Muscular Judaism" promoted by Zionist leader Max Nordau in the 19th century as a response to anti-Semitism, emphasizing physical strength and agility as an important aspect of Jewish identity and self-defense.
The American Jewish conversation about Israel often excludes women, as highlighted by the gender imbalance in panels and discussions on Israeli affairs, where male voices dominate while women are underrepresented and face misogyny and disdain when expressing opinions.
Daniel Mendoza, a celebrated bare-knuckle prizefighter in late-Georgian London, was born to British-born parents of converso background in 1764.