Tag: Netanyahu

The shooting of an Israeli civilian by an IDF soldier has sparked a debate about vigilante culture in Israel.
This article discusses the use of Israeli spyware called Pegasus, created by the tech company NSO, which allows remote access to mobile devices and can collect vast amounts of personal data.
In a recent development, additional hostages, including Israeli-Russian women, have been freed by Hamas in Gaza as part of a truce deal with Israel, while four Thai workers were also released.
The article discusses the dysfunction and lack of effective leadership within the government of Israel during a war.
The families of hostages held in Gaza have been fighting to be heard, facing violence and neglect in their efforts to retrieve their loved ones.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the lessons Israelis can learn from recent events regarding peace with Palestinians and whether support for Prime Minister Netanyahu remains strong.
In this open letter to Hamas defenders, the author addresses individuals who may be advocating for or implicitly defending terrorism.
The article discusses the consequences of a Hamas attack on Israel and its impact on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Linda Gradstein, and Noah Efron discuss various important topics, including the decision of opposition leaders in Israel to join or not join a War Cabinet with Netanyahu, confusion among leftists about the perception of Hamas, and the role of Joe Biden as a potential Zionist leader for Israel.
The article criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for neglecting the Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas and for his approach to the conflict with Gaza.
Leading Palestinian advocacy groups in the United States are calling on lawmakers to address the root cause of the violence between Israel and Palestine, which they argue is the Israeli occupation.
The recent coordinated attack on Israel has raised questions about the colossal failure of military intelligence and the ease with which IDF bases were overrun.
The article criticizes the United States for betraying Israel and contributing to the current conflict with Hamas.
In a wide-ranging conversation, Daniel Gordis and Dahlia Scheindlin joined Forward's opinion editor, Laura E. Adkins, to discuss the potential outcomes of Israel's judicial overhaul.
Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican presidential candidate, defended his pledge to cut aid to Israel, stating that his outspokenness is similar to how Israelis express themselves.
The first GOP debate did not prioritize Jewish issues, including U.S.-Israel relations.
Tech mogul Elon Musk has threatened to file a $4 billion lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), accusing them of being the biggest generators of antisemitism on Twitter.
US officials, including the State Department's special envoy on Holocaust issues and the special envoy to combat antisemitism, have called on Israel to preserve the independence of Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial museum.
This article discusses the possibility of a peace treaty between Israel and Saudi Arabia, brokered by the United States.
Protests against the Netanyahu-led government's judicial overhaul in Jerusalem have been ongoing for over 31 weeks, with the most recent demonstration drawing thousands of participants.
Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, discusses the challenges facing Israeli democracy as the government pushes for legislation to weaken the judicial branch.
The ongoing protests against the Israeli government's plan to overhaul the judicial system have exposed deep divisions within Israeli society and shattered the unspoken social contract that has kept the country thriving for over 75 years.
Israeli protests against the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu continue in Bellevue, Greater Seattle.
This video discusses the recent passage of part of the judicial overhaul bill in Israel and offers a perspective on the movement against the Israeli government.
The author discusses the recent passage of a judicial reform bill in the Knesset that has caused divisions and threatens the democratic nature of Israel.