Tag: Netanyahu

In the wake of Benjamin Netanyahu's sixth term as Prime Minister of Israel, attention has turned to the new government's actions.
In this text, the authors discuss the challenge faced by Israelis in responding to the threat to democracy posed by Netanyahu's new government, which includes ultra-orthodox and ultra-nationalist coalition partners.
Neri Zilber hosts Prof. Suzie Navot to examine the new Israeli government's proposed judicial reforms, including an override clause for Supreme Court decisions, changes to the role of the attorney general, and implications for Netanyahu's corruption trial.
The article discusses the ongoing negotiations between Israeli PM Netanyahu and his potential coalition partners, highlighting delays in reaching agreements on issues like judicial reform and new conversion laws.
In his new book "We Are Not One: A History of America's Fight Over Israel," journalist and historian Eric Alterman discusses the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship, highlighting important moments from Eisenhower's confrontation with Ben Gurion to Netanyahu's clashes with Obama.
The Law of Return allows any Jew to claim immediate Israeli citizenship, but the definition of who qualifies as a Jew has been historically debated in Israel.
In a podcast episode, Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Linda Gradstein discuss significant topics including a potential law allowing the Knesset to overrule the Supreme Court’s decisions and the religious parties' interest in narrowing the Law of Return’s scope.
In this text, hosts Anshel Pfeffer and Dahlia Scheindlin offer a one-hour season finale discussing the recent Israel election results.
In this podcast, Haviv Rettig Gur, the lead political reporter at the Times of Israel, discusses the upcoming Israeli elections and the current political landscape.
The article discusses the change in position of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu towards Itamar Ben Gvir, a far-right leader with ties to the racist Kahanist movement.
With Israeli politics approaching its fifth election in three and a half years, speculation arises about the potential brevity of Yair Lapid's term as Prime Minister.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics related to Israeli politics.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron explore the recent primaries of the Labor and Likud parties in Israel, questioning if Labor can ever regain power and if Likud now solely revolves around Netanyahu.
The latest episode discusses the ongoing coalition crisis in Israel, with PM Bennett facing challenges in maintaining his government's stability, potentially giving Netanyahu an opportunity to gain power.
In this podcast episode, Anshel Pfeffer and Dahlia Scheindlin analyze the potential consequences of a plea bargain for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The article explores the concept of Jewish power and its use and abuse in the context of Israel.
The author discusses the possibility of the United States conditioning or discontinuing economic assistance to Israel in order to influence Israeli policy.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
The recent escalation between Israel and Gaza militants has led to a new and concerning development: internal Arab-Jewish violence in mixed cities in Israel.
In a Bar Mitzvah-themed episode, the discussion revolves around Netanyahu's political rivals outsmarting him in a crucial vote with a sly wink, raising questions about his power.
The podcast discusses Israel's 73rd year of independence, mentioning the political deadlock in the country with Netanyahu having the presidential mandate but not a coalition or government.
As the Israeli elections approach, discussions surrounding key aspects of the election night are shared, with a focus on insights from David Axelrod.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss Israel's recent election campaign, reflecting on its uniqueness and the influence of American political consultants on Israeli politics.
In this discussion, the participants delve into three important topics regarding recent events in Israel's political landscape.
In the context of Israel's vaccine diplomacy, where it is gifting vaccines to diplomatic allies, there is internal and international concern.