Tag: Netanyahu

Israeli intelligence agencies failed to correctly interpret various signals indicating Hamas was preparing an attack on October 7.
The text discusses how the U.S.'s plan to recognize a Palestinian state that doesn't exist is inadvertently strengthening Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's position, as Israel's focus is on national security rather than creating a Palestinian state.
The text discusses the challenging dilemma Israel faces regarding hostages held by Hamas and the option of prioritizing war over rescuing the hostages.
The text discusses the rejection of the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following a negative event on October 7th, which hardened views against a Palestinian state due to security concerns and ongoing violence, particularly highlighted by Hamas.
The author argues that the conventional wisdom of bipartisan support for Israel in the US has unraveled, and it is time to assign Republicans their fair share of the blame.
This article criticizes the notion of a "moral war" in the context of Israel's military actions in Gaza.
This article discusses President Joe Biden's Middle East peace plan and argues that its success depends on winning the hearts and minds of Palestinians, Israelis, and their supporters.
A fringe movement of religious Israelis is advocating for the resettlement of Gaza as a strategic and biblical imperative, aiming to prevent future attacks by Hamas.
The International Court of Justice did not issue an injunction to end the fighting in Gaza, which was seen as a relief by Israel's political echelon.
In this article, it is discussed how former IDF chief of staff, General Gadi Eisenkot, has been chosen by anti-Netanyahu forces to help overthrow Netanyahu, with the assistance of the United States.
Bernie Sanders' proposed bill to condition U.S. military aid to Israel was defeated, but it sparked a discussion about Israel's actions in the Gaza war.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's denial of the Palestinian people's right to statehood reflects a double standard.
The U.S. and Israel are clashing over the future role of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in postwar Gaza.
In a special edition of the Haaretz Podcast, the editorial team asked readers their pressing questions about the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Hannah Arendt's book "Between Past and Future" emphasized the importance of thinking in an age where the past provides little guidance and the future offers little hope.
The International Court of Justice in The Hague is set to hold hearings brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide following heavy losses in Gaza by the IDF.
The article criticizes the dangerous idea of depopulating Gaza and resettling Palestinians outside of the region.
The Israeli Supreme Court recently overturned the reasonableness clause, a controversial part of Netanyahu's judicial changes, raising concerns of reigniting pre-October 7th tensions and a constitutional crisis in Israel.
Ambassador Dennis Ross, who has been involved in U.S. Middle East policy for many years, spoke at a rally in Tel Aviv in support of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.
Thousands of Israelis have attended a rally demanding Prime Minister Netanyahu's resignation over his handling of a hostage situation.
Israel's ability to adapt quickly to crises has been on display recently.
The author shares their experience of attending virtual Simchat Torah services due to being stuck in traffic and reflects on the challenging times in Israel.
In a recent episode of Israel Policy Pod, host Shanie Reichman and guest Neri Zilber discuss ongoing developments in Israel, including the military operation in southern Gaza, Netanyahu's political actions, challenges in the U.S.-Israel relationship, and international pressure on Israel.
This text discusses the relationship between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu, with a focus on recent criticism of Netanyahu during the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Israel and the United States agree that the Israel-Hamas war began with the Oct. 7 massacre, and they both believe that Hamas should be removed from power in the Gaza Strip.