Tag: Netanyahu

President Joe Biden has emerged as a strong ally of Israel through his recent efforts to create an international coalition, including key Arab countries, to protect Israel from a significant missile and drone attack.
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, likening the leadership to different Pharaohs and emphasizing the need for democratic action to bring about change.
The discussion on Israel has evolved to become more about the individuals discussing it rather than the country itself, serving as a reflection of their political and personal identities.
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subsidies and potential future draft enforcement.
Anshel Pfeffer discusses Benny Gantz's potential exit from the government, highlighting Gantz's dilemma and the possibility of early elections in September.
Some Democrats fear President Biden's critical stance on Israel's military actions in Gaza may alienate Jewish voters, a key constituency in elections, even though historically Jews have predominantly supported Democrats.
The text discusses the perception of Israel and the Jewish people, particularly by those on the political left, as being morally inferior due to biases in media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Families of hostages held in Gaza have been holding rallies in Israel, including one at Hostages Square, to bring attention to their loved ones' plight and urge for their return.
Protests calling for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to his handling of the government and the ongoing conflict have drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators in Jerusalem, demanding his removal or a change in his approach.
The current protests in Israel, sparked by the recent hostage situation, are being used as a pretext by demonstrators who actually seek to remove Prime Minister Netanyahu from power through early elections.
Protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and calls for securing the release of hostages held in Gaza have escalated in Israel, with thousands gathering in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a Washington visit by Israeli officials following a disagreement with President Joe Biden over Israels planned invasion of Rafah, a city on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cancellation of a Washington visit led to rescheduling talks on Israels planned invasion of Rafah with President Biden, after Biden urged Netanyahu to send a delegation for discussions on the city on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israel Policy Forum experts discuss the strained relationship between Netanyahu and the Biden administration, focusing on Israel's frustration over the U.S. abstention at the U.N. Security Council.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criticism from US Democratic leaders, including President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator Chuck Schumer, for his handling of the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Rabbi Robin Podolsky criticizes President Biden for not taking decisive action to stop the suffering in Gaza, arguing that he has the power to do so by pressuring Netanyahu to end the violence.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the current challenges facing Israel's leadership, including issues with the military, humanitarian aid in Gaza, the Haredi draft, and hostage negotiations.
The text discusses former President Trump's comments suggesting that Jewish individuals who vote for Democrats hate their religion and Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized Chuck Schumer's call for new elections in Israel as inappropriate, amidst escalating tensions with President Joe Biden's administration over the handling of the conflict with Hamas.
The text discusses the division among Jews regarding the war against Hamas and the Israeli government's approach under Prime Minister Netanyahu.
The article discusses the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, highlighting concerns about Hamas's influence and Palestinians' desire for a right of return to resettle Israel.
After five months of intense fighting between Israel and Hamas, Israel aims to destroy Hamas by removing them from power in the Gaza Strip, seeing it as a critical step in their campaign against the group.
The debate over a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine continues as Israeli policy experts weigh in on the matter following the recent conflict in Gaza.
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a U.S. citizen and political analyst from Gaza, emphasizes the need for the left to stop apologizing for Hamas as part of pro-Palestine activism.
In a recent episode of "The Northern Front," Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber and military analyst Yaakov Lappin discuss the current dynamics between Israel and Hizballah, examining Hizballah's perspectives, the relationship to the Gaza conflict, and the options of diplomacy versus military action in resolving tensions.