Tag: Nikki Haley

Despite initial hopes of Trump's departure, the former president remains a strong player in Republican primaries, with notable challenger Nikki Haley still drawing significant support.
Nikki Haley faced challenges in her political journey, with a recent focus on Biden, Israel, and internal Jewish community politics.
Jewish Democrat Representative Dean Phillips, who previously ran for president, has endorsed President Joe Biden, emphasizing the importance of not allowing Donald Trump to return to office.
Nikki Haley, a former governor and U.S. ambassador who withdrew from the GOP presidential race after facing significant primary losses, notably did not endorse Donald Trump, citing concerns about America's role in the world, including support for allies like Israel.
Steve Kornacki suggests that there may be an overemphasis on the significance of Nikki Haley's support in Republican primaries, highlighting the distinction between primary voters and the broader Republican electorate.
Henry Olsen discusses the recent South Carolina primary results showing Donald Trump winning decisively across three Republican contests with around 40 percent of the electorate choosing someone else, primarily Nikki Haley.
Republican strategist Nachama Soloveichik, a key figure in Nikki Haley's presidential campaign, believes the Republican Party is undergoing a midlife crisis characterized by a shift towards neo-isolationism under Donald Trump's influence.
The podcast discusses Nikki Haley's decision to remain in the GOP race until she is mathematically eliminated, highlighting its implications for Donald Trump's position in the race and potential vulnerabilities.
This text discusses the potential outcome of the next election and the support for former President Trump among his MAGA (Make America Great Again) base.
An article by Jodi Rudoren discusses why a potential rematch between Trump and Biden in the 2024 presidential election is bad for Jews and other minority groups.
The podcast explores various attempts to halt negotiations in Washington, particularly focusing on border legislation and Nikki Haley's campaign.
In a podcast episode, Eliana Johnson analyzes Nikki Haley's recent speech in New Hampshire, describing it as unusually triumphant despite her loss, and contrasts it with Donald Trump's negative tone in his speech following a win.
Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary and is likely to face Joe Biden in a November rematch.
Pro-Palestinian activists in New Hampshire are urging voters to write in "ceasefire" on their ballots in the upcoming primary, as a way to send a message to President Joe Biden to press Israel into a ceasefire in its war with Hamas.
Despite Nikki Haley having positive views about Israel and the Arab world, polls suggest that she is unlikely to be the Republican nominee for President.
The article discusses the pro-Israel stances of former President Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, highlighting their contrasting approaches.
Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), criticized Republicans for their thinly veiled racism and antisemitism, distancing himself from former President Donald Trump.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has pulled out of the presidential race, leaving Nikki Haley as the main contender against Donald Trump.
Ron DeSantis has ended his presidential campaign, leaving Nikki Haley as the primary challenger to Donald Trump.
Despite the historical trend of Jewish voters overwhelmingly supporting Democrats, Republican candidates such as Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis are making efforts to appeal to the Jewish community.
In this article, Jewish advisors to three Republican candidates for the 2024 US Presidential election are interviewed.
The text discusses speculation on Nikki Haley's standing in the New Hampshire political race, following an endorsement suggesting she may not win.
Former President Donald Trump won a decisive victory in the Iowa caucuses, securing 51% of the vote and narrowing the path for Nikki Haley, a pro-Israel favorite among Republicans.
The 2024 presidential primary season has begun in the United States, and the race to win the votes of Jewish and pro-Israel voters is underway.
During a Republican presidential debate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stated that if Israel faced a second Holocaust, he would understand if they removed Palestinian civilians from the Gaza Strip.