Tag: President Trump

In a recent episode of Israel GPS, hosts Yonit and Jonathan interviewed Fareed Zakaria, a renowned analyst and CNN host, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Israel, including international criticism following an air strike in Rafah and a call from The Hague to cease operations.
The author expresses dissatisfaction with the current presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, highlighting concerns about Biden's age affecting his mental acuity and electability, as well as reservations about his stance on Israel supporting a Palestinian state.
The author reflects on their past article expressing fear and loathing towards the president-elect in 2016, realizing that it lacked useful analysis and was more of a hysterical outpouring of emotion.
Daniel Leger, a survivor of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, decided to return to the scene of the crime in order to confront and process the traumatic event.
Meghan McCain, host of The View, discusses Joe Biden's inauguration, the aftermath of the Capitol riots on January 6, and the new era of hosting a daytime talk show without President Trump.
The editorial discusses the storming of the U.S. Capitol by right-wing protesters, incited by President Trump and fueled by antisemitic conspiracies.
The article discusses how the recent election challenged the notion that race is the primary factor determining political beliefs and voting patterns.
"The Simpsons" upcoming Treehouse of Horror special includes a reference to President Trump's statement that Jewish people who vote Democrat are disloyal to Israel, which he made in August of last year.
President Trump is facing a series of challenges including the pandemic, economic crisis, and a perception of the country being off-course, worsened by a Justice Department scandal.
In her article, Aviya Kushner criticizes President Trump's use of a photo op with a Bible at St. Johns Episcopal Church, comparing it to tactics used by totalitarian regimes like Hitler's and Stalin's.
President Trump's photo op at St. John's Episcopal Church, where he held up a Bible without praying or notifying church leaders, following a speech on quelling violence during protests, sparked concerns of merging politics with religion akin to tactics seen in authoritarian regimes.
In this episode of Soul Cycles, Mark interviews Mark Galli about the fallout of his controversial editorial on President Trump in Christianity Today before his retirement.
The People of the Pod podcast episode this week covers three main topics: Dr. Einat Wilf's insights on President Trump's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan and its implications for Israel's future, Rabbi David Rosen's discussion of the historic visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau by Muslim World League Secretary General Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa and Islamic religious leaders, organized by AJC, and Melcher de Wind's reflections on his father Eddy de Wind's book "Last Stop: Auschwitz," the only novel penned inside the Auschwitz death camp after its liberation 75 years ago.
The article discusses the upcoming Israeli-Palestinian peace plan by President Trump and how it differs from previous American presidents' proposals.
The "People of the Pod" podcast episode featured discussions on various topics: Eric Cortellessa discussed antisemites blaming Jews for Trump's impeachment, Rabbi David Levy talked about combating antisemitism post the Jersey City shooting, where two shooters targeted a kosher supermarket, while Jacob Magid provided an update on the International Criminal Court's inquiry into the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
The podcast "People of the Pod" covers three main topics: the aftermath of the UK general election, where Esther Offenberg shares insights on the feelings of the British Jewish community following the Conservative Party's win; Marc Stern discusses President Trump's executive order targeting antisemitism on college campuses; and Raoul Wootliff explains the reasons behind Israel's upcoming third election in a year.
Ukrainian President Zelensky is currently entangled in American politics due to his phone call with President Trump being a focal point of the ongoing impeachment inquiry.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to annex the Jordan Valley in the West Bank, along with other settlements, should he win the upcoming election, emphasizing hopes for support from President Trump.
The article discusses how President Trump's recent statements invoking anti-Semitic tropes by questioning the loyalty of Jewish Democrats, and his involvement in barring Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar from visiting Israel, have caused distress among American Jews.
AJC Passport's recent episode features Dina Siegel Vann discussing the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA building in Buenos Aires and Argentina's current stance on Hezbollah.
In a recent episode of AJC Passport, Dr. James Carafano from The Heritage Foundation discussed U.S. foreign policy under President Trump, covering topics like immigration reform and the Middle East peace process.
JTA Washington Bureau Chief Ron Kampeas provides insight into the heated exchange of comments between Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and President Trump following Omar's remarks about the September 11 attacks.
President Trump has expressed willingness to meet with Iranian leaders without preconditions, potentially signaling a new approach to negotiations.
President Trump's recent visit to Europe stirred controversy as he branded the European Union a U.S. foe and faced backlash for his handling of pressing issues like Russian interference in the 2016 election.
President Trump's recent cabinet reshuffle in key foreign policy roles is discussed in the latest episode of AJC Passport with insights from Elliott Abrams, a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.