Tag: Prime Minister

In a podcast following the Israeli elections, hosts analyze the Joint List's surprising endorsement of Benny Gantz for prime minister, Avigdor Liberman's unpredictable actions, and Gantz's strategy of letting Benjamin Netanyahu attempt to form a government first.
Israel Studies scholar Sara Hirschhorn, activist Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron delve into important topics such as the evolution of Israel's Labor Party, a reevaluation of the settler movement, and debates on ethical behavior towards politicians.
Don Futterman, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron debate hot topics including the legality of unvaccinated children attending school in Israel, the societal impact of online activities based on income disparity, and the ethics of pardoning 70 convicts for Israel's 70th year anniversary.
The discussion revolves around three main topics in Israel: the indictment of First Lady Sara Netanyahu for reportedly charging taxpayers for pricey take-out along with a full-time chef, the election of Yitzhak Bougie Herzog to head the Jewish Agency, and a debate on whether the Israeli government should subsidize traditional artisanal practices to preserve cultural heritage.
Anshel Pfeffer explores the enduring reign of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his biography, highlighting Netanyahu's blend of intellect, populism, legal acumen, family loyalty, and self-promotion.
Anshel Pfeffer's biography delves into the enduring mystique and political leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
On the podcast episode "Keeping Up With the Netanyahus," the hosts Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Charlotte Hall delve into the controversies surrounding the Netanyahu family in Israel.
In this episode of The Promised Podcast, Allison, Noah, and Gilad Halpern discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's use of the fake news narrative as a defense strategy, questioning whether Israelis believe in a media conspiracy against the Prime Minister.
In this discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah cover various crucial topics in Jewish and Israeli politics.
In a discussion on the Tel Aviv Review, Professor Itamar Rabinovich, former ambassador to the US and chief negotiator with Syria, talks about his new biography of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, for whom he served.
In this discussion, the hosts reflect on the complex legacy of Shimon Peres, focusing on his impact on Israel and the left.
In this discussion, Israel and the US have agreed on a $38 billion, ten-year military aid deal, prompting a debate on whether more money equates to increased security for Israel.
In a show commemorating the 20th anniversary of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, a discussion addresses the conflict over Rabin's legacy, questioning if it should focus on political violence or the dangers of the occupation.
Professor Meron Medzini, a Japanologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the biographer of Golda Meir, offers a unique perspective on the former Israeli Prime Minister, known as the "Iron Lady."
In a discussion, Don, Eilon, and Noah explore the endorsement of Labor Party leader Yitzhak Herzog for Prime Minister by the head of the ultraorthodox Shas party, raising the question of potential alliances between the Labor Party and the haredim.
Ariel Sharon, a prominent figure in Israeli military and politics, was known for his military exploits as a field commander in the Israel Defense Forces and his controversial political career that included leading military operations and settlements.